
Hi y’all!

Whoever’s taking the time to view the works I’ve written in the past, thank you! I’ve been in a writing season, or lack thereof, and find writing- thanks in part to finding time to do that- difficult lately. A lack of inspiration as a result of busyness doesn’t help, either, and, frankly, finding that I am having trouble staying creative and finding much about which to write in the every day is frustrating. That anyone is reading my work and giving anything I have to say a chance is encouraging, especially since I want my life and work to reflect nothing but Christ and Who He is. For those who have read my work and gained something from it, especially if God used me to bring you closer to Him, that’s wonderful! Alors, je vous remercie encore! (Thanks again!)

God Bless,


One thought on “Thank-Yous/Mercis

  1. I think the very reality that you are aware of and/or are questioning your ability to generate creative thoughts at this juncture is evidence of your creative capacity. I call it the ‘Creativity Paradox’. Perhaps it could be a reverse form of the Dunning Kruger Effect. It is like examining your own brain and cognitive processes therein from a third person perspective, or even evaluating a previous timeslice of “you”, in which case your previous “you” generated more creative thoughts. You have to have a history of some gift, be it high intelligence, creativity, or athletic prowess, to be able to miss it.


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