Busyness and A New Post

All I have to say is that I am embarrassed and I am sorry I am so late with new entries nowadays! For those who know me personally, y’all know I got a new job in January. What I don’t think any of us expected is that work can take up a lot of time and energy; that has certainly been the case in my new job, as I still work in my field of study. The only concern I find I have sometimes is integration: how do I bring Christ into everything I say and do while bearing in mind that I am working for a secular company? How do I love my bosses, coworkers, and mentees alike while still respecting that they may not know and love the Lord, as He has made me to do, with truth and grace in mind? What will be my ultimate impact on those I affect if I do? What if I don’t? 

The fact of the matter is that impact takes commitment, like anything else in life. As such, I leave y’all with this for today and do have some posts coming up as well! Thank you for bearing with me and I look forward to engaging with y’all again soon!

God Bless,


When There Isn’t Much To Write

Hi, everyone!

I hope all is well. I also apologize for delays and I confess I haven’t found much time to write lately due to the rigors of and adjustments to new routines. I will be glad to publish new work this week, however, and summarize the many life changes which caused the delays. I’m thankful y’all are still reading and I am glad to connect with you!

God Bless,


Significant Life Change and Slowing Down: Breakthrough Part 1

Hi, everyone!

Sometimes the changes bring breakthroughs and reminders of the past. Seeing how far I’ve come, I started writing something to that effect in church yesterday- that is, I wrote about what I’ve felt in the midst of that despair that comes with feeling utterly worthless, anxious about my standing with God and my fellow human beings, etc., that characterized the darker periods of my childhood. I’m sill working on it, but here’s what I have so far:

What happens when you figure out your quirks are self-protection/
That you’ve been living your every day on the defensive
‘Cause you’re not really confident life can be different
Even though you know the Lord and love Him with all you have

What happens on the many sleepless nights when
You lie awake and restless knowing all you could do differently
But you’re not sure how to begin ’cause you can’t see the forest for the trees

And you’re calling out to God above: “Save me Lord, for I am drowning…”

The second part will address the breakthrough and healing…..

God Bless,


Significant Life Change and Slowing Down- Maybe? Definitely!

Hi, everyone!

A productive day of tutoring proved to be as surprising and exciting as I hoped it would be by the day’s end! Being busier doesn’t mean I can’t make time to write, though, and I promised I would. So, as I promised, I am publishing some writing, or what I have of it so far! This piece is in progress and has been difficult, but liberating, to write, because it alludes to a dark past and the redemption story God has made of it. In short, I had an abusive father and we hardly talk anymore now that I’ve become an adult. For many years, I struggled to believe that I did nothing to deserve the physical and emotional abuse he inflicted after my parents divorced when I was eight years old. I also believed that I was worthless, that God ordained my dad’s abuse as punishment for my sins, and many more insidious lies from Hell!

This piece is about that and what healing has been like for me many times ever since I turned eighteen and cut most contact with my dad: messy, painful, disorganized . . . (“To err is human; to forgive is divine” and thank God He does forgive!)…. anxiety-provoking, and the like. What I wrote so far may well be raw and triggering to some of you, but I can’t change the past. I can and will use the voice God has given me to submit to His healing and preach the Gospel to others , though, as below:

(Title In Progress; Tentative Title: “Is It Normal?”)

Is it normal to walk through healing numb

Though I can see I’m waking up to who I was meant to be all along?

The woman inside me meant for God’s glory

A child of the King, wholly loved and wholly forgiven . . .

Is it really possible for someone like me to see-

To see more than I ask for or imagine happen for me?
Can You really love me that much to make me worthy,

Though I have naught to bring You but my heart- broken and in need…..


Hold me closer, hold me tighter than ever now

I feel the current of my questions and doubts dragging me down . . .

Hold me closer, hold me tighter than ever now

Let me rest in Your Shelter, Almighty God, lest I drown….

May I finish the race and accept my crown

Remembering nothing of my earthly bounds

Ready and willing at Your feet to bow . . .

Ready to be a voice calling out . . .

Holy One, my God, You set me free
Beloved Lord and Savior, You rescued me

I’m walking in Your peace- from slavery to liberty

No longer blind, for now I can see . . .

(To be continued!)

God Bless,


Significant Life Change and Slowing Down- Maybe!

Hi, everyone!

Who knows? Maybe God wanted to shake up a few things in my life before I had the inspiration to blog again! I have the writing I promised, too- now to transcribe it here! I apologize for the delay, ask pardon, and will be more prompt and consistent in blogging!

Additionally, I just took a job that allows me to work from home, so I will definitely make a point of blogging more from now on as well. I truly believe this new opportunity is God’s way of getting me back on my feet after a tough year, among other blessings! There will be more to come and I promise I will have some writing up this evening. Thank you for your patience for you with me and I appreciate all of you!

God Bless,


The Saga Continues: The Work So Far…

Hi, everyone!

I don’t have a title yet, but the work I mentioned looks like this so far. I do plan to include an allusion to the recent political upheaval, as that is among the chief causes

Coming to church today, I found sanctuary,

Reminded I am not forgotten, whether with plenty or in need;

Whether feeling grounded or caught up my everyday anxiety;

Whether I’m “put-together” or falling apart at the seams.

I know You meant what You said when You promised You’d never leave

And I feel You wrapping Your comforting Arms ‘round me

But I can’t help but find that, once again, I’m looking down

Just like Peter and I’m afraid I’m going to drown….

(Help me….Help me…..Please pull me out….)

Help me to remember You’ve never left or forsaken me

Help me conquer every vestige of my fears and unbelief

Help me to let go and fall to my knees and be ready

To submit to Your perfect plans for my being…

(To be continued……)

God Bless, Michelle

The Saga Continues: Part 4: Inspiration Lost and Found in the New Year

Hi, everyone!

So much for habits, eh? I am so sorry I slipped up yet again and, somehow I’m here blogging…….Thank you to the faithful readers who help keep me going!! I ask pardon and promise to be more consistent in the future. In that vein, I have to ask: Was blogging on your list for New Year’s Resolutions as well? If so, you failed to keep to your planned schedule as well, I bet? You’re not alone! The beauty of a new year is a chance to begin again, as with every day! After all:

The faithful love of the Lord never ends![a]
    His mercies never cease.
23 Great is his faithfulness;
    his mercies begin afresh each morning.

(Lamentations 3:22-23, NLT, Italics mine)

That doesn’t mean I have license to renege on my commitments, though. I simply mean that God will pick me up every time I fall and repent for my sins and mistakes, for which I am extremely grateful! He will also comfort me and walk with me when I am hurting, when I don’t know how to support others in pain and grief, etc. All of this also spurred more writing I didn’t expect and I promise to publish something to that effect tomorrow. I should warn you that I will make reference to the Capitol Hill riots, but the allusion will point to the overarching themes of the work, which are, in short, healing and redemption. Stay tuned….

God Bless, Michelle

The Saga Continues: Part 3: Setbacks and Songwriting

Hi, everyone!!

I’ve actually had to rework the song after a busy weekend (family emergencies, work changes- nothing bad, just finishing the onboarding process!, etc.). and new inspiration this morning. I had trouble writing anything down previously, though I had an idea of what God wanted me to put down on paper- or, rather, type here. The lyrics actually came to me in church during the early part of the service and now I have to type them out together! Even now, my Wifi is inconsistent thanks to the severe storm in my area……Very well, maybe God wants me to slow down and trust Him more. He certainly showed me I needed to do that today, which I will explain in the follow-up entry!

Regardless, I apologize, ask pardon, and will put it out ASAP!! You are in my prayers and I appreciate all of you!

God Bless,


New Beginnings and Back to Blogging: The Saga Continues…..

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Hi, everyone!<br><br>Well, as promised, I am willing to explain a bit more! I just started a new job, for example, after a layoff and several months of searching. I won't say much about it for now, as the nature of my work is fairly sensitive and I can't divulge much legally. I will say I like what I am doing so far, though! In short, if you told me I'd be working in anything more closely related to IT than I was in my previous job, I'd have been surprised. <br><br>I am grateful for the years I spent at my previous job, though! I l think I may have mentioned I worked in education and learned as much from my coworkers and students as they learned from me, if not more. Very well; sometimes God directs one to go elsewhere and that is what I am doing now. I figure He has something else in mind and I am anticipating that He knows what is best- as always- so I trust Him by His grace – as always!<br><br>I am also engaging in more creative writing and have a work in mind concerning the pandemic and lessons learned thus far. As some of the work may allude to politics- or, rather, the sentiments we observe one another having around them!- I promise to keep that part general and will publish it upon completion. Look for that on Wednesday!<br><br>In the meanwhile, I am continuing to pray for y'all, as always, and thanks for welcoming me back to the blogosphere with open arms!! Here's to another season and much excitement to come!<br><br>God Bless, <br><br>MichelleHi, everyone!

Well, as promised, I am willing to explain a bit more! I just started a new job, for example, after a layoff and several months of searching. I won’t say much about it for now, as the nature of my work is fairly sensitive and I can’t divulge much legally. I will say I like what I am doing so far, though! In short, if you told me I’d be working in anything more closely related to IT than I was in my previous job, I’d have been surprised.

I am grateful for the years I spent at my previous job, though! I l think I may have mentioned I worked in education and learned as much from my coworkers and students as they learned from me, if not more. Very well; sometimes God directs one to go elsewhere and that is what I am doing now. I figure He has something else in mind and I am anticipating that He knows what is best- as always- so I trust Him by His grace – as always!

I am also engaging in more creative writing and have a work in mind concerning the pandemic and lessons learned thus far. As some of the work may allude to politics- or, rather, the sentiments we observe one another having around them!- I promise to keep that part general and will publish it upon completion. Look for that on Wednesday!

In the meanwhile, I am continuing to pray for y’all, as always, and thanks for welcoming me back to the blogosphere with open arms!! Here’s to another season and much excitement to come!

God Bless,
