Reflections on the #Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Days 57-58: Stuck on Sunday and Back on Monday

Hi, everyone!

Well, I am sorry I slipped up again! I was honestly stuck about what to write and, when I did finally get to write, I realized it was almost midnight and was plumb exhausted. For my failure to do as promised, I sincerely ask pardon, apologize, and will be sure to write every day from now on, barring extenuating circumstances.

Thankfully, Mother’s Day went well overall, so I can’t complain about that, nor do I have any reason to be complaining to boot! I am truly thankful for my mom, as she raised me well and I am extremely grateful to know the Lord and live under His Lordship. She is a devout Christian and I see her influence in my everyday life, too, as a result of the hard work she did raising my sister and me (parental divorce in early childhood; enough said of that for now, I feel!)!

In general, once again, I find myself grateful for all to come now that I have had the day to reflect and am (finally!) through writer’s block!

God Bless,


It’s Been A While

Hi everyone,


It’s been a while and I am sorry I have not been blogging at all recently. Work has been really busy, among other things, but getting all of said tasks within and without the context of work for now helps! I resolve, thus, to blog more regularly and hope everyone is having a Merry Christmas! So long as we don’t forget the Reason for the Season, all should be well. Truthfully, the month or so that I ended up taking off from blogging and such has changed much, but I am back now and a more mature person for it, I think.

That said, how were your Christmas Days and how will you celebrate the remaining eleven days of the season? Let me know! Thanks!

God Bless, like always, everyone,



Holiday Musings Part 1: Saint Valentine’s Day/Pensées Pour Les Fêtes : Premiere Partie: Le Jour de Saint Valentin

Note: The entry is also in French, as the majority of my entries will be in both English and French. Enjoy (I hope!)!

Note: L’article de blog est en français aussi, comme la plupart de mes articles de blog seraient en anglais et français ensemble.

Hi y’all,

I hope you are having or had a splendind Saint Valentine’s Day! Were you able to spend time with loved ones, be they family, friends, significant others, pets, et cetera? I hope so, because I think that’s what God wants and Saint Valentine would have wanted. After all, God created us for relationships with him and one another. Believers especially are to be in community with one another, as per multiple passages of Scripture on the subject, and we are to love all for Jesus’ sake, as He commanded us to do so.

Yep, Saint Valentine’s Day doesn’t have to be about romance after all! That said, I hope you have a blessed rest of your day and check this out: John 13:34-35.

God Bless, as always,


Bonjour, tout le monde,

J’espère que vous avez ou vous avez eu un beau Jour de Saint Valentin! Est-ce que vous étiez ables ‘a passer la journée avec vos familles, vos amis, vos amants, ou même vos animaux domestiques? J’espère que c’était le cas pour chaque de vous, mes amis, parce que je pense que c’est le souhaite de Dieu et c’était le souhaite de Saint Valentin. Apres tout, Dieu a créé toute de la humanité pour avoir les relations de l’amitié avec Lui et les uns et les autres. Ceux qui croient en Dieu sont spécialement ‘a être alliés pour les uns et les autres, selon aux Écritures., et nous devons aimer les uns et les autres pour la gloire de Jésus-Christ.Tout cela dit, j’espère que vous tous avez un jour rempli des cadeaux de Dieu pour le reste de vos journées de Saint Valentin et lisez ces versos des Écritures: Jean 13:34-35.

Dieu vous bénisse, comme toujours,
