A Bit of Writing: Part 5: Spoken Word Poetry: Thankful

Snoopy being the chef makes me smile and reminds me I am thankful for my family, friends, and the military especially at this moment. We who live in America are blessed to have more than enough in many, many cases. I also have a wonderful mother, sister, and fur-niece ( a Maltese-Poodle puppy) named Reilly. I also have many wonderful uncles, aunts, and cousins for whom I couldn’t be more thankful at the moment. 🙂 And friends….so much blessing. Thank You, God. 🙂 You are more than enough, and I am humbled and blessed to know more blessings besides. 🙂 Wow. Thank You, God – again.

Hey everyone,

As promised, I am writing something for tonight (and, again, it is a work in progress, as sometimes inspiration comes at moments one does not expect, such as when one is tired and has no idea what to write.) Oddly enough, the inspiration came from my own previous writings, as God reminded me through a previous post that I have much to consider and thank Him for. After all, it is Thanksgiving week, so here it is as I am writing now:

I have so much, more than enough

That I consider how blessed I am; I have too much/

At least I feel I need to give much away,

But then again, I will when comes the day./

God has a plan for me, I know, for I exist,

And He makes nothing for which He has no purpose./

What is more, I am saved and redeemed

And have an incredible family, friend group, and country./

Moreover, I get more than enough daily to eat

And have clean water to drink, clothes to wear, and a place to sleep./

Thank God, I can sleep every night that passes by in peace

For He gave us men and women to protect and keep America free./

As I write, I find myself beyond words once again, indeed,

For I have more than enough to live well- certainly more than adequately./

That said, I have much to be thankful for this Thanksgiving, and every day.

May it be that I am thankful each day, I pray.

Thus, may God open all of our eyes, our ears, minds, and hearts/

To be thankful for every day we have at its beginning, whether we wake in light or dark.

Yes, I will now look on every day with new eyes

No matter what happens, when I live and the day I die/

I know my Redeemer was, is, and is to come

And for me, Him and His blessings besides are more than enough.

What are you thankful for, by the way? Let me know in the comments! God Bless!

– Michelle

A Bit of Writing: Intermission: Part 2: Brokenness and Love That Heals……THANK YOU

Y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all!! I can’t even begin to summarize in words what I am feeling at the moment….at least not entirely adequately, though hopefully concisely!! Y’all….thank you for checking out that video I posted last night! It means a lot to me that y’all are seeing the Truth and I am reminded, by the grace of God, just how many people are looking for His love in Him and how desperate we all are for Him!!!!! Wow. Y’all have encouraged me in ways I cannot even begin to list here…..That said, I’m going to sign off for now, but wow…..Expect me to keep writing and encouraging you….That’s all that matters in the end, anyway, right? God be glorified and His people be edified and found in Him, past, present, and future.

By the way, if you have not checked out the video yet, here it is, once again:

He loves you so much…He loves all of us so much!!I pray you find true love and REST in Him….rest in Him and that He loves you!

That said, thank you again and God Bless you all. Finally, if you want to check out the full sermon, including the excerpt above, here it is: http://vimeo.com/112017331.

God Bless,


A Bit of Writing: Intermission: Brokenness and Love That Heals

I can guarantee in no uncertain terms this is what life is for and meant to be for: God. Healing. Love. Redemption. I am proud to call Mosaic Christian Church my home church and thank my God every moment I realize how blessed I am!!

If you take nothing else from this excerpt of what the sermon at Mosaic was, know this: we are all broken and helpless to save and heal ourselves. Thank God, He is our Lord and Father, ever willing, ready and able to forgive. 2 Peter 3:9

By the way, in case you are interested in the full sermon:

It is 40 minutes long, including the excerpt of the video I just featured. I promise every minute is worth watching. God is working at Mosaic and everywhere else in the world. Don’t let the opportunity to find Him and/or grow closer to Him pass you by, now or ever. Living for Him is worth every moment of your time here on Earth and someday in Heaven if you have found Him. Matthew 11:28-30, John 3, John 17-21….I could go on, but this is it for now, to be concise. That said, I am also praying however you need it. Be blessed!

God Bless,
