Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 43: A Quick Thank-You!!

Hi, everyone!

Thank you so much for keeping me accountable to blogging and writing overall! I will own that the lockdown here in Maryland would have been much more stressful and lonely than it has been so far. After all, I figure that amongst my primary goals here is to point people to Jesus- the chief one. However, I have also found sharing my writing to be a creative outlet and appreciate that y’allare encourage me! I am reading your work as well and thank you for reminding me that there is good in the world! I look forward to writing more and reading your writing, too!

God Bless, Michelle

Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 39: Boredom, Productivity, and Continual Gratitude

Hi, everyone!

Hopefully you are well on this Wednesday evening (or whenever you are reading this, location/timezone, etc.)! I pray that you are able to count your blessings, too, in spite of concerns, trouble with not seeing loved ones, perhaps being laid off (like many in this country- for those who didn’t know, I live in the United States. Specifically, I live in Maryland and I am sure you’ve heard something about our Governor on the news.)…..and more trouble. For all that, we’re safe and well, and I really can’t complain.

Frankly, making a gratitude list and keeping myself busy has helped considerably. For example, I have found that I am grateful for the following just thinking about it:

1) God.

2) My family and friends (pups included and photos below!)

3) My church and community

4) My country and freedom

5) Basic needs met and more

6) New hobbies and resuming older ones (baking, studying French, making jewelry, sewing,

7) Music

8) Exercise (daily walks with the pups, dancing, etc.

9) New opportunities

10) Reaching a state of contentment

What do you find yourself grateful for today?

God Bless, Michelle

Camille is the apricot pup and Reilly is the white/apricot pup. 🙂

Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear : Day 30: One Month In….

Hi, everyone!


I don’t have much to say tonight except one important thing: God really has been  good to us, even when we don’t see His goodness or doubt it. He truly love us!


Example: I was reading a Bible plan by Susan Narajala, I believe, called “While You Wait.” The plan concerns God’s plans for our lives, His timing for them, and their perfection, come what may. One of the examples used was Elijah possibly facing death at the hands of the reigning king and queen of Israel, Ahab and Jezebel, when he obeyed the Lord by prophesying against their paganism and calling for repentance. He also tells them that God will cause a drought since they provoked him yo anger repeatedly and shamelessly until He has Elijah say otherwise. They, in turn, threaten to kill him for defiance, etc. God brings Elijah to the Kerith Ravine, has ravens provide meat and bread for him, and places him right beside the nearby brook! (See 1 Kings 16-17).


How cool is tbat?! He does the same for us today, too! If you are alive, breathing well, have your basic needs met, and are healthy, you are blessed!!


God Bless,  Michelle

A Bit of Writing: Intermission: Part 2: Brokenness and Love That Heals……THANK YOU

Y’all, y’all, y’all, y’all!! I can’t even begin to summarize in words what I am feeling at the moment….at least not entirely adequately, though hopefully concisely!! Y’all….thank you for checking out that video I posted last night! It means a lot to me that y’all are seeing the Truth and I am reminded, by the grace of God, just how many people are looking for His love in Him and how desperate we all are for Him!!!!! Wow. Y’all have encouraged me in ways I cannot even begin to list here…..That said, I’m going to sign off for now, but wow…..Expect me to keep writing and encouraging you….That’s all that matters in the end, anyway, right? God be glorified and His people be edified and found in Him, past, present, and future.

By the way, if you have not checked out the video yet, here it is, once again:

He loves you so much…He loves all of us so much!!I pray you find true love and REST in Him….rest in Him and that He loves you!

That said, thank you again and God Bless you all. Finally, if you want to check out the full sermon, including the excerpt above, here it is:

God Bless,



Hi everyone,

Even though I literally just started this blog about a week ago, I see I am gaining some notice already! Good. I ike connecting with people.

What is more and what is more important, I am glad that people are responding to the truths that all of us are works in progress, God has plans for all of us, and I am the one God is using to spread this message this way. That’s all I want in the end! Thank you! I appreciate that there are some philosophical types like me out there. It’s been an honor to connect with y’all so far! So, that said, thank you, and I look forward to continuing my interactions with you!

God Bless,


PS: I will post some writing tonight, as promised, but it may be late in the night when I post it- around midnight EST or so. God Bless!