Significant Life Change and Slowing Down- Maybe? Definitely!

Hi, everyone!

A productive day of tutoring proved to be as surprising and exciting as I hoped it would be by the day’s end! Being busier doesn’t mean I can’t make time to write, though, and I promised I would. So, as I promised, I am publishing some writing, or what I have of it so far! This piece is in progress and has been difficult, but liberating, to write, because it alludes to a dark past and the redemption story God has made of it. In short, I had an abusive father and we hardly talk anymore now that I’ve become an adult. For many years, I struggled to believe that I did nothing to deserve the physical and emotional abuse he inflicted after my parents divorced when I was eight years old. I also believed that I was worthless, that God ordained my dad’s abuse as punishment for my sins, and many more insidious lies from Hell!

This piece is about that and what healing has been like for me many times ever since I turned eighteen and cut most contact with my dad: messy, painful, disorganized . . . (“To err is human; to forgive is divine” and thank God He does forgive!)…. anxiety-provoking, and the like. What I wrote so far may well be raw and triggering to some of you, but I can’t change the past. I can and will use the voice God has given me to submit to His healing and preach the Gospel to others , though, as below:

(Title In Progress; Tentative Title: “Is It Normal?”)

Is it normal to walk through healing numb

Though I can see I’m waking up to who I was meant to be all along?

The woman inside me meant for God’s glory

A child of the King, wholly loved and wholly forgiven . . .

Is it really possible for someone like me to see-

To see more than I ask for or imagine happen for me?
Can You really love me that much to make me worthy,

Though I have naught to bring You but my heart- broken and in need…..


Hold me closer, hold me tighter than ever now

I feel the current of my questions and doubts dragging me down . . .

Hold me closer, hold me tighter than ever now

Let me rest in Your Shelter, Almighty God, lest I drown….

May I finish the race and accept my crown

Remembering nothing of my earthly bounds

Ready and willing at Your feet to bow . . .

Ready to be a voice calling out . . .

Holy One, my God, You set me free
Beloved Lord and Savior, You rescued me

I’m walking in Your peace- from slavery to liberty

No longer blind, for now I can see . . .

(To be continued!)

God Bless,


New Beginnings and Back to Blogging: The Saga Continues…..

<p value="<amp-fit-text layout="fixed-height" min-font-size="6" max-font-size="72" height="80">Hi, everyone!<br><br>Well, as promised, I am willing to explain a bit more! I just started a new job, for example, after a layoff and several months of searching. I won't say much about it for now, as the nature of my work is fairly sensitive and I can't divulge much legally. I will say I like what I am doing so far, though! In short, if you told me I'd be working in anything more closely related to IT than I was in my previous job, I'd have been surprised. <br><br>I am grateful for the years I spent at my previous job, though! I l think I may have mentioned I worked in education and learned as much from my coworkers and students as they learned from me, if not more. Very well; sometimes God directs one to go elsewhere and that is what I am doing now. I figure He has something else in mind and I am anticipating that He knows what is best- as always- so I trust Him by His grace – as always!<br><br>I am also engaging in more creative writing and have a work in mind concerning the pandemic and lessons learned thus far. As some of the work may allude to politics- or, rather, the sentiments we observe one another having around them!- I promise to keep that part general and will publish it upon completion. Look for that on Wednesday!<br><br>In the meanwhile, I am continuing to pray for y'all, as always, and thanks for welcoming me back to the blogosphere with open arms!! Here's to another season and much excitement to come!<br><br>God Bless, <br><br>MichelleHi, everyone!

Well, as promised, I am willing to explain a bit more! I just started a new job, for example, after a layoff and several months of searching. I won’t say much about it for now, as the nature of my work is fairly sensitive and I can’t divulge much legally. I will say I like what I am doing so far, though! In short, if you told me I’d be working in anything more closely related to IT than I was in my previous job, I’d have been surprised.

I am grateful for the years I spent at my previous job, though! I l think I may have mentioned I worked in education and learned as much from my coworkers and students as they learned from me, if not more. Very well; sometimes God directs one to go elsewhere and that is what I am doing now. I figure He has something else in mind and I am anticipating that He knows what is best- as always- so I trust Him by His grace – as always!

I am also engaging in more creative writing and have a work in mind concerning the pandemic and lessons learned thus far. As some of the work may allude to politics- or, rather, the sentiments we observe one another having around them!- I promise to keep that part general and will publish it upon completion. Look for that on Wednesday!

In the meanwhile, I am continuing to pray for y’all, as always, and thanks for welcoming me back to the blogosphere with open arms!! Here’s to another season and much excitement to come!

God Bless,


Pleasant Surprises and New Beginnings!

Hi, everyone!

I’m so sorry it’s been a while since I’ve blogged at all. For some reason, even after the month or so hiatus I took from blogging, I had significant computer problems and trouble getting back into my account. Combine that with a few personal concerns and not blogging in a few months would be perfectly reasonable, I hope! Very well. I figured out the personal stuff, have more time on my hands than I thought possible, even in the midst of significant changes, and am back to blogging happily!!

That includes more writing since I have found some inspiration in the election despite my current ambivalence towards and exhaustion with politics! A college friend of mine sums up my current views perfectly on his Facebook: “I hate politics!” I get it; me, too. Me, too, my friend!

I’m just grateful that the hiatus and technological troubles gave me much to consider in the meantime and I will be writing about that in future entries! Stay tuned and, as always, I am keeping you in my prayers, dear readers, and welcome discussion.

God Bless,


Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Days 126-129: back to the Basics (Again)

Hi, everyone!

Finally, I know how to explain what’s going on lately, captured well in the words of a favorite author, Philip Yancey (from The Jesus I Never Knew, as copied here:)

“Sometimes I accept Jesus’ audacious claim without question. Sometimes, I confess, I wonder what difference it should make to my life that a man lived two thousand years ago in a place called Galilee. Can I resolve this inner tension between doubter and lover? I tend to write as a means of confronting my own doubts. My book titles—Where Is God When It Hurts, Disappointment with God— betray me. I return again and again to the same questions, as if fingering an old wound that never quite heals. Does God care about the misery down here? Do we really matter to God?”

I believe that is definitely the case: that He does care, He loves us beyond what we can fathom, our sin breaks His heart, and He wants to save us and bring us to living fully with Him, in Him, and for Him. For me, this past week has been about getting back to that: Who He is matters. Who is He? Thank God, as C.S. Lewis reminds his readers in his famous work Mere Christianity:

“I am trying here to prevent anyone saying the really foolish thing that people often say about Him: I’m ready to accept Jesus as a great moral teacher, but I don’t accept his claim to be God. That is the one thing we must not say. A man who was merely a man and said the sort of things Jesus said would not be a great moral teacher. He would either be a lunatic — on the level with the man who says he is a poached egg — or else he would be the Devil of Hell. You must make your choice. Either this man was, and is, the Son of God, or else a madman or something worse. You can shut him up for a fool, you can spit at him and kill him as a demon or you can fall at his feet and call him Lord and God, but let us not come with any patronizing nonsense about his being a great human teacher. He has not left that open to us. He did not intend to.”

Thank God He does not give us the chance to take Him lightly without challenging us to explore His claims and character. Think, if you will, of Thomas/Didymus, best known for doubting the Lord’s resurrection:

24 One of the twelve disciples, Thomas (nicknamed the Twin),[a] was not with the others when Jesus came. 25 They told him, “We have seen the Lord!”

But he replied, “I won’t believe it unless I see the nail wounds in his hands, put my fingers into them, and place my hand into the wound in his side.”

26 Eight days later the disciples were together again, and this time Thomas was with them. The doors were locked; but suddenly, as before, Jesus was standing among them. “Peace be with you,” he said. 27 Then he said to Thomas, “Put your finger here, and look at my hands. Put your hand into the wound in my side. Don’t be faithless any longer. Believe!”

28 “My Lord and my God!” Thomas exclaimed.

29 Then Jesus told him, “You believe because you have seen me. Blessed are those who believe without seeing me.”” – John 20:24-29, NLT, emphases mine (credit to Bible Gateway)

Think about that. God is always with us, wants the best for us, and wants to make us more like Him and draw us closer to Him daily. All of us. WOW. As such, I find myself incredibly blessed and, if you’re like me, you’re probably thinking, too: How? Where do I begin? Good! Keep asking. He will answer! (Matthew 7:1-9)

I will leave this for now and I promise to get back to anyone who needs prayer, to talk….anything. You are loved, you are wanted, and you have new starts with God every moment you are alive. Seek Him wholeheartedly and He will show Himself to you. He will. (Jeremiah 29:11-13)

God Nless, Michelle


Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 97: New Beginnings, Part 3: Here We Go……

Hi, everyone!

Well, here goes! Picking up an additional gig (along with the work I have, of course!) should be an exciting new challenge and so is my recommitting to learning to play the guitar. Sometimes one new person or thing in one’s life- just one new event, friend, job, activity with a loved one or by oneself, food, perspective on Scripture (although nothing is really new in terms of events and understanding)*, habit……Sometimes that one thing means a lot and I am excited to see what that means in the future! Here we go!

What is your one thing this week? You’re in my prayers, that God will bless and challenge you for your growth and deeper relationship with Him!

God Bless, Michelle

*When I spoke of new perspectives on Scripture, I mean that will we consider everything we learn or do for the first time- for any of us- as new. I was thinking, specifically, of Ecclasiastes 1:9, which, according to the NLT translation, states that: “History merely repeats itself. It has all been done before. Nothing under the sun is truly new.” (Thank God for BibleGateway for a handy reference!) That is, nothing is new to God, even though it is to us, and Solomon had tired of the world and its pleasures, seeking to find true meaning for the wisdom and riches God had given Him and reconnecting with the Lord, if, in fact, God is the Author and Meaning of our lives. Solomon found He was, is, and always will be, just as He was before the beginning of time as we know it. Matthew Henry provides excellent commentaries here: Matthew Henry’s Commentaries (concise)!

Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 70: Politics and Positivity: Part 3: “Let It Go”

Hi, everyone!

No, I’m not talking about the “Frozen” song. I’m talking about Paul Greene’s song “Let It Go.” The song talks about forgiving and moving on from pain others caused you in your past as well as repenting and making amends for the wrongs you have done to others. I will own that my post on Facebook this week was just that- a lesson in forgiveness and a chance, albeit unintentionally, to take a hard look at myself and realize what I need to change.

That is a hard thing to admit: “Sometimes, I am the problem,” that is. In that case, it was unintentional, but sometimes, I am the problem. An email I sent to one of my pastors not too long back, I felt, described me well: a walking contradiction. In short, I told him: ” In short, I would define myself as a walking contradiction, since I am a shy, (usually) positive extrovert who can be self-deprecating [and] and have been told I come across as phony.”

Yes. To anyone to whom I have ever been toxic, confused, irritated, caused suffering, fear, etc.. . .. . . I am sorry. I know very well that I am human and have had…..not the most ideal past, but some of my behavior in response to that and the formation of my character as a result wasn’t either. However, that doesn’t excuse me from how I acted toward others in the past, especially in my late teen years and early twenties (defensive, guarded, fearful, overanxious, indecisive….as one would probably expect of someone whose past wasn’t ideal). Thankfully, with time and closeness to the Lord comes greater maturity, but that doesn’t mean I don’t have to repent and make amends for as . For all of the above and more, I ask your forgiveness, and commit from now to putting greater trust in the Lord and letting Him work on me more.  seeing more that I can’t become what I had always hoped to be if I am not completely grounded in Him.

It is imperative, now more than ever, that I be grounded in Him more.  That means letting go of quite a bit for myself still, as in the song I mentioned. Please pray for me, that I will strive for that and let Him take greater control of my life, now and always, no matter where He leads! I will also pray for you, however you need prayer. Let me know in the comments or privately if you’d like! I will pray regardless.

God Bless,


Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 65: Macabre Musings?

Hi, everyone!

That might be an unusual title, but, considering the nature of the musings I found myself having while I did some genealogical research, I imagine that perhaps my musings may turn out to be slightly morbid, if not downright macabre. For a Christian, perhaps, it is inappropriate, yet I find that reflecting on the brevity of life also reminds me of the hope I have in the Lord!

To be more specific: When I was approximately eight years old, I became aware of the existence of the American poet Edgar Allan Poe. Most of my readers will have heard the name, at least, and some may be better acquainted with his work than many fans, including devoted ones like me. Very well; I write of him because Mr. Poe, in fact, became the concluding topic of my musings for the evening.

As it is, especially for those who know me personally, I was and remain an avid reader. In fact, I was exposed to literature and history from the time I was very young- at the earliest, Mom read aloud to my twin sister Nicole and me from birth. We also had ample exposure to cloth-bound/teething-toy books and similar, reading-related items that one might give to a child to entertain and cultivate a love of reading in said child today. I suppose this experience and many others as I grew cultivated my love of reading and made me a a bona fide bibliophile by the time I was four years old. That, I don’t remember, but I do remember meeting my first-grade teacher during the initial registration meetings at my elementary school and barely introducing myself to her before striding straight to the classroom bookshelf and picking up the first book that piqued my interest! Understandably, my mother was embarrassed and admonished me to come back over to the classroom desks to converse with my teacher further. Six-year-old me informed her that I was busy reading, much to the mortification and amusement of thirty-something-year-old me today!

I also remained an avid reader as I aged, becoming a curious and, later, devoted fan of the aforementioned Mr. Poe- or should I say Uncle Edgar? In the course of receiving a collection of his poems for my reading enjoyment – or perhaps a discussion about family history, as I forget which; maybe the two simultaneously?- my mother mentioned a family legend in passing. That is, we had reason to believe that we might be related to Mr. Poe’s foster father (more or less adoptive father, informally, from my understanding of the process). John Allan, we believed, was my fifth-great-uncle or something to that effect.

Only years later did Nicole, my aforementioned twin sister, clarify the connection to Mr. Allan through her own genealogical research. She started searching for confirmation of our Jewish heritage when we were fourteen, thanks to her involvement in Jews For Jesus at the time. Reading their biography and characteristics of a Messianic Jewish home and upbringing, she wondered if we might be Jewish, even though we were raised as and are still Christians. Surely enough, we are of Jewish heritage: up to a quarter Jewish, so Jewish, I believe. I’m not sure of the exact percentages, though. That, by itself, was of interest, but it didn’t deter me from pestering Nicole, said sister, to verify whether the legend of our relationship to John Allan was true!

I would find out that it was true while writing a college essay, of which I forget the topic, at 2:30 a.m. the day Nicole confirmed and clarified our relationship to Mr. Allan. A total of eight years’ worth of genealogical research yielded that John Allan is, in fact, my fourth-great-grandfather through one of his de-legitimized children. (I refuse to describe children born out-of-wedlock as “illegitimate” since no child is illegitimate!) She also mentioned a letter Mr. Allan wrote to a friend upon hearing from a former mistress of one of his de-legitimized twins dying from illness when they were two years old. This wasn’t the only time he’d have children, or twins for that matter, by a mistress! He He had the aforementioned twins during his first marriage to Frances Keeling Valentine Allen, and he would do it again! mentions twins he had by an Elizabeth Wills in 1830 after he married his second wife!! He was remarkably cruel in his reflections to his friend on finding out about the death of the twin child in this first known pair. Specifically, he informed his friend that he had no interest in seeing the twin who was still living or paying respects to the twin who had gone Home to the Lord.  I haven’t been able to find the letter myself, but remember the discussion Nicole and I had vividly!

In any case, I felt that explained why I’d felt a kinship with Edgar Allan Poe since I was eight years old and first read that aforementioned anthology of his work. I realized that we had similar backgrounds (not exactly honest and warm parent-child relationships with our fathers- I’ll leave it at that!), had similar interests (arts, history, theology, etc.), and such as that already.  Not only, I realized, was the kinship that I’d always believed existed real, but much closer than I thought it was! I figured Edgar Allan Poe was a distant cousin by his de facto adoption and that was neat by itself. Knowing that the connection was much closer and that he was, for all intents and purposes, family explained a lot about the kinship I felt with him, deepened that sense of kinship, and cemented my interest in him and his work. I figure that, since I’m essentially his third-grandniece as a result of his adoption into my family, however informal it may have been, and that we have very similar minds (creative, philosophical, theological, artistic, and deeply emotional in our thinking!)! As such, the renewed interest and further reading this evening gave rise to macabre (?) musings.

I say that, in turn, gave rise to macabre musings because it really did. Maybe morbid. I’m not sure which unless thoughts about the far (?) future and thinking of death and dying come to mind. Perhaps we take an interest in our own mortality and often either revere or fear the concept because we either have hope and await the Lord eagerly- or not. I am a Christian, so have hope!

Goodness, I’ve written much already and it is late, so will elaborate on this tomorrow!

God Bless,


Reflections on the Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Day 60: “So It Begins, The Great Battle Of Our Time….”

Hi, everyone!

Well, that may certainly be the case for some of us in Maryland and across our world overall as we all come out of isolation bit by bit. Maryland has started reopening, as the stay-at-home order will be lifted as of 5:00 p.m/17:00 EDT on Friday. Maybe Gandalf was right: “this will be the greatest battle of our time” for some folks, perhaps, and perhaps not for others; we will have to see what God has in mind. He knows much better than we do about how the world works, after all, as He created everything in it and in the universe, for that matter! (See Genesis 1-2 and Isaiah 40 and 55.)

Browsing on Quora tonight also got me thinking and I saw a quote in the following post here   that got me thinking, yet again:

““We all take different paths in life, but no matter where we go, we take a little of each other everywhere.” – Unknown”

I think so, too. More or less, all of the people we encounter in our lives are either a blessing or a lesson, but none of what happens to us is purposeless. None of it!

May the Lord Bless you and keep you and I am curious about something. I would like to know how you are and how I can be praying for or otherwise encourage and help you specifically!

God Bless,


Reflections on the #Coronavirus and #FaithOverFear: Days 57-58: Stuck on Sunday and Back on Monday

Hi, everyone!

Well, I am sorry I slipped up again! I was honestly stuck about what to write and, when I did finally get to write, I realized it was almost midnight and was plumb exhausted. For my failure to do as promised, I sincerely ask pardon, apologize, and will be sure to write every day from now on, barring extenuating circumstances.

Thankfully, Mother’s Day went well overall, so I can’t complain about that, nor do I have any reason to be complaining to boot! I am truly thankful for my mom, as she raised me well and I am extremely grateful to know the Lord and live under His Lordship. She is a devout Christian and I see her influence in my everyday life, too, as a result of the hard work she did raising my sister and me (parental divorce in early childhood; enough said of that for now, I feel!)!

In general, once again, I find myself grateful for all to come now that I have had the day to reflect and am (finally!) through writer’s block!

God Bless,
